Alquimia del alma
“La verdadera alquimia es el proceso mediante el cual una planta, un mineral o la memoria emocional de un individuo se purifica para revelar la esencia inherente del tema. El proceso alquímico implica varias fases diseñadas para apuntar a etapas precisas del desarrollo, ninguna de las cuales debe omitirse, de lo contrario los resultados serán incompletos”.

An Introduction to Alchemy of the Soul - Day Workshop
Taller de introducción
Niveles I, II y III
The Alchemy of the Soul trainings use a unique alchemical process that embraces a confluence of wisdom traditions within a modern context to transform negative emotional conditioning - from many generations - to reveal your personal authority, truth and courage that is necessary to find your passion, gifts and joy. There are no short cuts to profound transformation and whichever process is adopted, it must be effective, dynamic and safe which is a necessary priority for all workshops and trainings conducted by Alchemical Transformation Programmes™.
Introducción a la Alquimia del Alma ~ Taller de un día
Este es un taller experiencial para despertar la comprensión de tus verdaderos dones y sabiduría creativa. Es una introducción a las muchas capas de condicionamiento almacenadas en el laberinto de la memoria emocional que uno tiene que transformar para alcanzar un nivel superior de conciencia para acceder a esa sabiduría.
Conocerás los principales temas negativos que están provocando bloqueos en tu vida; cómo afecta tu bienestar físico y emocional; y cómo transformar los recuerdos/traumas negativos en un poderoso recurso de sabiduría.
Este taller es ideal para personas que quieran:
Identificar e iniciar el proceso de romper patrones de comportamiento negativos.
Comience a desentrañar sus verdaderos dones y talentos.
Asumir la responsabilidad de sus vidas: salud, relaciones, carrera y el futuro del planeta.
Integrar las cualidades emocionales masculinas y femeninas equilibradas necesarias para acceder a la sabiduría creativa.
Es particularmente poderoso para las mujeres en la industria como una introducción a su comprensión de: cómo se creó el "techo de cristal" a partir de su propio condicionamiento heredado; cómo romper esos patrones heredados y caminar hacia tu propia autoridad única.
*Esta es una iniciación necesaria para los Niveles I,II y III.
Levels I, II & III
A combination of online group sessions and in person workshops
Level I - Following on from the introduction workshop, this training includes:
A deeper understanding of the different levels of alchemical enquiry and transformation that covers the four worlds of the human condition - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Integration of the wisdom-based male and female qualities
Working on deeper levels of negative programming that impact on all our relationships - our health, our work, our family and our environment
How to transform and learn the important lessons inherent in all negativity.
This level is a a necessary initiation for the deeper work of level II.
Level II - Level II consolidates and integrates the knowledge from the introductory workshop and Level I to enable healing of genetic memory and reveals how the emotional conditioning of thousands of years can still determine every facet of your life today.
Using trusted tools from wisdom traditions, we will explore and transform inherited corrections and woundings that constitute our eternal myths - the negative illusions programmed into our emotional memory - to access our eternal truth and break free from redundant individual and collective conditioning - that has brought the world to this pivotal moment in history.
*This is a necessary initiation into to the deeper worlds of consciousness and creativity that you will develop in Level III.
Level III - Building on the foundations of knowledge and transformation from the preceding levels, you will be guided into working with the creative process necessary to access and use the laws of creation for the confident and courageous expression of your truth in all situations.
This level is valuable for everybody as we all have a significant contribution to make to the healing of the planet. It is especially significant as a mechanism for leaders in any field aspiring to discover genuinely innovative and sustainable solutions to the endless challenges they are facing. You will be guided to access the purest virtues from both masculine and feminine wisdom and initiated into a rigorous process of inquiry, exploration and authentic creativity that is needed to break free from past mistakes; to set aside the mantel of the ego and navigate the labyrinth of fear and turmoil that is presently dominating the planet, to be able to reveal long term visionary solutions that will lead us to a brighter and healthier future.